
Meet Annie, your helpful work assistant

Meet Annie, your helpful work assistant

Meet Annie, your helpful work assistant

Get patient context quickly, suggested next steps, and automate repetitive tasks.

Never have to write up a case from scratch

Never have to write up a case from scratch

Annie takes all of the information from the patient questionnaire and summarises it succinctly and comprehensively. Get all the case information, nuances, and next steps without having to spend time digging through each question.

Never have to write up a case from scratch

Never have to write up a case from scratch

Annie takes all of the information from the patient questionnaire and summarises it succinctly and comprehensively. Get all the case information, nuances, and next steps without having to spend time digging through each question.

Suggested next steps

Suggested next steps

Keep cases moving through your triage process. Annie provides suggested next steps which can be actioned in a few clicks. This includes booking repeat prescriptions, follow-up consultations, and sharing relevant information leaflets.

Suggested next steps

Suggested next steps

Keep cases moving through your triage process. Annie provides suggested next steps which can be actioned in a few clicks. This includes booking repeat prescriptions, follow-up consultations, and sharing relevant information leaflets.

Automated clinic coding

Automated clinic coding

Annie automatically attaches relevant SNOMED codes to cases based on the information submitted.

Automated clinic coding

Automated clinic coding

Annie automatically attaches relevant SNOMED codes to cases based on the information submitted.

Transform the future of your clinic

Transform the future of your clinic

Transform the future of your clinic

Explore how Anima can increase efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and improve your clinic’s finances.

Book a demo

Annie by Anima
Annie by Anima
Annie by Anima